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[FAR] 2023 Intermediate Accounting (¹Ú¼®Áø) 2nd
°­»ç¸í ¹Ú¼®Áø
±â°£ 16ÁÖ
¼ö°­·á \480,000
¼ö°­·á(¸ð¹ÙÀÏÆ÷ÇÔ) \500,000

  • ±³Àç¸í : Intermediate Accounting [¹®Á¦Áý] - 3rd Edition
    ÃâÆÇ»ç : WIASÀÚü±³Àç
    °¡°Ý : 15,000
    * Çؿܹè¼Û½Ã ¿ìü±¹ EMS À¯·á¹è¼Û
    °­Á¼ö°­»ý¸¸ ±¸ÀÔ°¡´É
    (ºñ¼ö°­»ý ±¸¸Å½Ã °áÁ¦Ãë¼Òó¸® µË´Ï´Ù.)
  • ±³Àç¸í : Intermediate Accounting 9th Edition
    ÃâÆÇ»ç : WIASÀÚü±³Àç
    °¡°Ý : 20,000
    * Çؿܹè¼Û½Ã ¿ìü±¹ EMS À¯·á¹è¼Û
    °­Á¼ö°­»ý¸¸ ±¸ÀÔ°¡´É
    (ºñ¼ö°­»ý ±¸¸Å½Ã °áÁ¦Ãë¼Òó¸® µË´Ï´Ù.)

[FAR] Intermediate Accounting

FARE (À繫ȸ°è) : M/C 50% + TBS 50%

¼±Çà °úÁ¤ : Accounting Principle

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Multiple Choice
50 ¹®Á¦
TBS 7 ¹®Á¦
Written Communication

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´ã´ç°úÁ¤ : AICPA

no ³»¿ë ÇнÀ½Ã°£
Á¦1°­ OT 43ºÐ
Á¦2°­ p1 Financial statements 78ºÐ
Á¦3°­ p2 Balance Sheet 59ºÐ
Á¦4°­ p5 Inventories 57ºÐ
Á¦5°­ p9 Periodic Inventory System 70ºÐ
Á¦6°­ p5 General 58ºÐ
Á¦7°­ p5 Inventories º¹½À 67ºÐ
Á¦8°­ ¹®Á¦Áý p10 25¹ø 71ºÐ
Á¦9°­ p12 Example 4 46ºÐ
Á¦10°­ p14 Sebsequent Measurement of Inventory 67ºÐ
Á¦11°­ p20 Purchase commitment 72ºÐ
Á¦12°­ p21 Checking account 45ºÐ
Á¦13°­ p21 Cash 60ºÐ
Á¦14°­ p25 Proof of Cash 74ºÐ
Á¦15°­ p33 Example 5 52ºÐ
Á¦16°­ p27 Receivables 72ºÐ
Á¦17°­ p41 Factoring 65ºÐ
Á¦18°­ p58 Depreciation 49ºÐ
Á¦19°­ Ch.5 PPE Overview 64ºÐ
Á¦20°­ p46 Means of acquisition and valuation 75ºÐ
Á¦21°­ p47 Exchanges of nonmonetary assets(ASC 845) 37ºÐ
Á¦22°­ p47 Exchanges of nonmonetary 72ºÐ
Á¦23°­ p53 1st Step 55ºÐ
Á¦24°­ p55 Asset retirement obligation (ARO, ASC410) 77ºÐ
Á¦25°­ ¹®Á¦Áý p31 41¹ø 70ºÐ
Á¦26°­ p67 Types of intangible assets 39ºÐ
Á¦27°­ p70 Other Asset 68ºÐ
Á¦28°­ p74 Returnable deposits 71ºÐ
Á¦29°­ ¹®Á¦Áý p42 8¹ø ¹®Á¦Ç®ÀÌ 51ºÐ
Á¦30°­ p80 Premiums and Coupons 72ºÐ
Á¦31°­ p84 Present Value 66ºÐ
Á¦32°­ p90 Amortizaition of Discount & Premium 42ºÐ
Á¦33°­ p93 ÀÌÀÚÁö±ÞÀÌ ¿¬ 2ȸÀÎ °æ¿ì 74ºÐ
Á¦34°­ p94 Bonds Issues between interest date 69ºÐ
Á¦35°­ p98 Journal entries 42ºÐ
Á¦36°­ p99 Convertible Bonds 66ºÐ
Á¦37°­ p105 HTMS 67ºÐ
Á¦38°­ p111 Summary 48ºÐ
Á¦39°­ p112 Transfer Between catecories 66ºÐ
Á¦40°­ p116 Costs of issuing stock 62ºÐ
Á¦41°­ p119 Treasury stock 56ºÐ
Á¦42°­ p124 Property Dividends 65ºÐ
Á¦43°­ p129 Share-Based Payment 66ºÐ
Á¦44°­ p130 Example 49ºÐ
Á¦45°­ ¹®Á¦Áý p74 4¹ø ¹®Á¦Ç®ÀÌ 74ºÐ
Á¦46°­ ¹®Á¦Áý p77 15¹ø ¹®Á¦Ç®ÀÌ (Á¾°­) 67ºÐ
(ÁÖ)±¹Á¦È¸°è¼¼¹«±³À°¿ø / »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 527-87-01373
´ëÇ¥ÀÌ»ç : ÀÌÀ±°æ   Åë½ÅÆǸž÷ ½Å°í¹øÈ£ : Á¦ 2019-¼­¿ïÁ¾·Î-1475È£
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